The tale began in the year 2015, by our optimistic leader with a motive to start up a key "One Stop Shop" for ship owners, charters, brokers, managers to have easy access to cost-effective shipping service for all their vessel requirements. Due to the high demand for bunkering at ports situated in the Gulf of Oman, the cost of services from ports was high. Until we came up with an effective manner to render each mission with care and reliability. This led to the establishment of a fine service provider as AL BAHAR SHIPPING with its own, state of the art, launches and technological advancements to ensure the best. Our prime HQ is located in Fujairah Port, with access to any port facility at the reach of the arm. Hence, assuring spectral assistance to vessels, crews and cargo.
Al Bahar Shipping stands by our principles and aim to provide highest quality services to our clients abiding the various international maritime regulations. We tailor our services to be client specific, understanding their commercial and technical needs, and aim to surpass their expectation in every stint offered to us. We believe change is the only constant, without change there is no creativity and innovation. Our vision is to be the global trusted leader by providing bespoke services for all survey, technical, agency and commercial needs of clients and partners. Our team, services, and values for our clients have always been the pillars of contribution to every successful projects.
Our benefits